Merry Christmas have a Happy Holiday

Dont miss our other Christmas sites they have warm fires,online presents an Advent Calendar and Interactive stories about Santa and YOU.Christmas Pages

We provide WWW hosting and authoring for any size business.
Please visit our main website for pricing and information.

Spoken greeting from Kerry                 Musical greeting from Don

Christmas cheer from Scotty
Holiday song files in MIDI format
Christmas tune by Mariah Carey

Here are some Christmas photos I have found over the years, I hope you enjoy them.

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I have categorized the christmas music in alphabetized zip files, enjoy!!

Christmas songs A-D 300k
Christmas songs E-R 75k
Christmas songs S-Z 25K

Open for Business!

We provide web space for small business's,Virtual IP #'s, FTP servers,Photo digitizing, Web page design and other items of interest.
Prices starting at $75 a year complete for a business card style web page with email link. Please contact us at one of the following Email address's
We will be happy to send you information sheets with pricing.


Barlow & Barlow web services


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