Articles by Kerry Barlow
A few of these photos were taken from old sale magazines or books, I would have given credit to the original photographer,however I do not know who they were. The text was taken from so many differant sources and put together into a readable format that here again it is impossible to say where my notes came from over the many years. If you honestly recognize some statment or image I have used, please let me know. I will certainly give you credit for your work of course. I hope you have found these articles interesting. I am no authority on antique firarms so would advise everyone with an antique firearm of there own to visit one of the following websites or purchase the Dixie Gun Works Catalog. This catalog is well worth the price of $5 it is the size of a phonebook and contains many many parts and supplies for antique and reproduction firearms. The Dixie catalog also contains hundreds of other books and manuals you can purchase that will be sure to answer any questions you may have. I am affiliated in no way with these organizations,I just happen to like there products.