We create custom mousepads,coasters,wall pictures and home web pages
please browse our storefront and call or email us with any questions.
We create custom mousepads. You may send us a family photo,we will digitize that photo and transfer it onto a foam backed mousepad.If you wish to use your own digitized photo we recommend 640x480x256 or larger images
$15 including shipping and handling
Here is the original image digitized from a photograph
Custom family photos,Digitized and bonded to hard foam backing.Available in any size you wish up to 8"x10" Wall hanger included.If you have your own specialized computer images you wish to use, we recommend that the higher resolution images look the best for large size pictures. 1024x768x256 or larger at 8"x10" size.
$15 including shipping and handling.
Custom family photos on your very own coasters. We will digitize your family photo and create a washable coaster to use in your family room or den. Coasters are 4"x5" in size.
You may use 1 scanned image for multiple coasters or a seperate image for each coaster you order.You may also send us your own digitized photos if you wish.Shipping and handling included
$7 1 coaster ,1 image scanned
$15 4 coasters, useing the same image in each coaster
$20 4 coasters, 4 differant images scanned.
Below you will find some examples of digitizing images useing a video digitizer board ( media Vision Pro movie spectrum)These were digitized from pictures and photographs.Any resolution up to 640x480x256 is possible at this time.Any storage format---.jpg.bmp.pcx.gif and others
Balloon over Binghamton
Dogs in a truck
racecar Imsai GTL
Santa claus painting
Store painting
or snail mail us
Barlow & barlow computers
P.O box 21
Kirkwood NY
..........This page established 10-21-95