FTP information
Uploading your files and web pages is a simple and painless
process for the customer, follow these few steps and you will have your
webpage's online for the world to see.
- Using any FTP transfer program you must connect to the MntnWeb FTP server,
we recommend CuteFTP written by
Alex Kunadze although you can use any FTP program you wish
- Our HOST name is mntnweb.com enter this name into the HOST ADDRESS
dialog box
- Your FTP program will also have dialog box's for name and password,
you must enter your own name and password into these dialog boxes
- Please note some FTP programs default to anonymous logins checkmarked
deselect this item. You want NORMAL ftp login.
- After login you will be placed into your own directory you will have
no access to other customers directory's or to system directory's
- When uploading files be aware that some FTP programs require you to
select the transfer method for file types, you would pick ASCII for all
text and HTML type files and Binary for all image or data files. CuteFTP
will automatically select the transfer method for you
- You may also need to set your FTP program to PASV mode. This happens in some rare occurances.
- You may now do anything you wish in your own directory space. Upload
your files, create directory's, delete files, delete directory's, etc.
- Remember this is a Windows NT based server system, you do not have
to rename your files to an .HTML extension the standard 3 character .htm
is sufficient
- If your files already have a .HTML extension you may leave them as
is. Windows NT will use character names longer then the Dos 8.3 standard
- If you have transfered your files from other server companys you will
have to edit your hitcounter, clock, forms as listed on our special technical
- You may now immediately view your files through any standard WWW browser
to see the effects of your changes
- Please try to stay within your allotted file size restrictions, if
you need a bit more space that is allowed, we cannot allow a 2 meg/month customer to upload 20 meg of files
into their webspace.
- When finished with your FTP work simply select close, quit or exit
from your FTP program
- If you need any further assistance please feel free to
email us
Please note. Some ftp programs have problems uploading files. You may be able to login and see a directory structure, but you cannot upload files. If this happens to you, please open your FTP program and set the firewall security to PASV mode.