The local time where you are accessing this site is now

Adding a clock to a webpage is an interesting way to show your customers what time it happens to be,where they are accessing your website. A time clock is easily added and configured.

Clock Useage
+ the + or PLUS symbol is used where multiple options are used
Think of the + as an & (and) symbol,and in fact on some servers the & symbol
is used interchangeably with the + symbol
[ ] brackets denote codes that may be entered after the command
do not actually use the []'s they are added for clarity only
-f [FF0000]color to render foreground in
-b [FF0000]color to render background in
-t [FF0000]index to a color which should be transparent
-s [Stylename]name of numbers style,#BEMBO.gif
-l [hh:MMm]specify format of time,CASE is Significant
HH-24 hr clock(no zero pad)
ZH-24 hr clock(zero pad)
hh-12 hr clock(no zero pad)
zh -12 hr clock(zero pad)
MM-the minutes
SS-the seconds
m-the meridiem(AM or PM)
-ztime zone in minutes to add to local to achieve UTC

Here is an example of the basic code you would add to your webpage

<IMG SRC=/cgi/clock.exe?+-lhh:MMm>

<IMG SRC> The clock uses the standard IMG SRC routine,
/cgi/clock.exe?the clock is located in the /cgi/ directory
and its main execute file is called clock.exe?
the clock and counter will ALWAYS be located in the /cgi/ directory
+-lhh:MMmthis is the standard 12 hr format you see above with AM/PM meridiems

As you can see adding a clock is really not that difficult, simply cut and paste the example code into your web/HTML document if you do not wish anything fancy.

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